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110 East 15th Street, Vancouver, WA, 98663

(360) 600-8006

Class Cooking specializes in small group hands-on gourmet cooking classes, and provides event planning and catering services.  Located adjacent to Burnt Bridge Cellars in Vancouver, Washington.

Recipe Collection

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Basic Crepes

Crepes are one of the most versatile dishes you can make.  They can be used for any meal, dessert, or appetizer.  This is a good, basic crepe recipe.  Fill them with whatever you want!

  • 4 eggs

  • ¼ teaspoon salt

  • 2 cups flour

  • 2 cups milk

  • ½ cup melted butter

Place eggs and milk into a large mixing bowl and whisk together.  Add salt and flour and mix until almost smooth.  Pour in butter and mix until smooth.  This can be refrigerated overnight or used immediately.  Stir in more milk or water if the mixture thickens.

Heat a nonstick 8" crepe pan on medium.  Melt a dab of butter in the pan ( you will onlyneed to add butter for the first 2 or 3 crepes until the pan is seasoned and crepes are not sticking).  Pour in enough crepe batter to almost cover the pans bottom and swirl to cover.  Pour out any excess batter.  Cook until crepe is done.  Flip the crepe over using a spatula and cook the other side until lightly browned.  Place cooked crepe on a plate and place parchment paper or waxless paper sheets between each crepe.  Continue cooking crepes until all batter is used.

Add ¼  cup sugar to the batter if making dessert crepes.

Makes 18 to 208" crepes.

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