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110 East 15th Street, Vancouver, WA, 98663

(360) 600-8006

Class Cooking specializes in small group hands-on gourmet cooking classes, and provides event planning and catering services.  Located adjacent to Burnt Bridge Cellars in Vancouver, Washington.

Recipe Collection

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Recipes: Main Dishes

Flank Steak Marinade

tags beef

I was a vegetarian when I met Mark. He made me this dish and converted me to being an omnivore. My mom always cooked meet well done, I learned through this recipe that I prefer my beef rare.


tags Chicken, Asian

Fried chicken is especially yummy when panko is involved.

Kalua Pork

tags Hawaiian, Luau, pork

I made this recipe for Tiki Kon when I used to cater. Its simple and very good unless you're cooking for 200.

Toad in the Hole

This recipe became a favorite while spending a year in England. They really do have amazing traditional dishes.

Lamb Cobbler

tags Lamb, biscuits

This dish is a little like a Shepards pie, except with biscuits. I think biscuits make everything better.

Tortilla Español

Everyone knows what a tortilla is, right? Well, that's not what a Spanish tortilla is at all. Tortilla Español is a very traditional potato omelet. I learned how to make tortilla when we were living in Spain, and this recipe is one of my family's favorites. It's very easy to make and is an unbelievably versatile dish.

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