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110 East 15th Street, Vancouver, WA, 98663

(360) 600-8006

Class Cooking specializes in small group hands-on gourmet cooking classes, and provides event planning and catering services.  Located adjacent to Burnt Bridge Cellars in Vancouver, Washington.

Recipe Collection

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Recipes: Breakfast/Lunch

Buckwheat Rye Pancake Mix

tags pancakes

We gave out bags of this pancake mix as Christmas gifts. Great recipe and once the mix is put together it will make several batches of wonderful pancakes.

Cheese Blintzes

tags crepes, cheese

I love brunch, as many of you know, and cheese blintzes make a wonderful brunch dish. Use the basic batter recipe in miscellaneous.


I love brunch, especially any dish that has an egg on top.  I also love Middle Eastern flavors.  Shashuka is the perfect marriage of onions, tomatoes, peppers and spice, topped with an egg.  This dish is wonderful for breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or brunch!).  Serve it with good bread or warm pitas to scoop up the flavorful spicy sauce.

Toad in the Hole

This recipe became a favorite while spending a year in England. They really do have amazing traditional dishes.

Baked Oatmeal

tags oatmeal

This is a great breakfast recipe for a busy family, especially with school starting.  Simplify your morning by making this dish in advance- it microwaves in minutes! It’s tasty, kid-friendly, and filling. 

Basic Aebelskiver Batter

tags pancake, Danish

I love gadgets and cookware.  I bought my first Aebelskiver pan at age 16.  These pancakes are fun to make and turn a simple pancake into something special.

Apple Pancakes

A restaurant in Rockaway Beach, Oregon made these amazing pancakes.  It was my favorite dish on their menu.  The new owners dropped apple pancakes from the menu, soI had to figure out how to make them myself! 

Tortilla Español

Everyone knows what a tortilla is, right? Well, that's not what a Spanish tortilla is at all. Tortilla Español is a very traditional potato omelet. I learned how to make tortilla when we were living in Spain, and this recipe is one of my family's favorites. It's very easy to make and is an unbelievably versatile dish.

Orange Zucchini Cake

tags zucchini, bread

We know you probably have the same problem that everyone has in the summer - too many zucchinis! This is a party favorite. It's a great way to use up some of those extra zuchs, and it's easy and delicious.

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